Research Services Council Support Programs


Faculty Support Programs


Description: Tenure-Track and new Faculty are especially encouraged to apply to this funding program. The goal of this program is to provide the resources necessary to springboard research and creative efforts to build confidence and open doors to larger scale and long-term projects. In the sciences, it is expected that funds will aid in the preparation for an external grant application. In other disciplines, it is expected that products will be substantial scholarly works appropriate for the field of application.  Proposals addressing aspects of diversity in all forms or with a significant international component are welcome. In order to remain inclusive, diversity has no strict definition for this award. However, a brief list of topics that would fall under the purview of diversity include race, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexuality, and age, but this list is not meant to be exclusive or exhaustive.

October 15 each year
April 1 each year

Allowable Expenses:

Supplies, travel, operating costs, transcription, participant payments, and student research assistant wages. Please note that faculty wages are unallowable expenses.

Project Period:

Normally one-year from date of award

Funding Limit: The average award size is $5,000. Need more? – Ask for more and justify why.

Final Report due 6 months after the end date of the project. Additionally, all projects are expected to produce either an external grant submission, a work of peer-reviewed scholarship or creative work, or both.


Ask your department chair and dean for support.


Description: Proposals should describe a specific scholarly project that will be conducted during the semester, which should result in a work of high academic caliber.  Proposals should explain the work to be done during the released semester and should describe a specific project outcome for the semester. Acceptable projects include the completion of a book under contract, the completion of a major exhibition, or the preparation of a major grant submission (e.g. R01). Proposals will be selected on the basis of specific and feasible plans, academic rigor, and potential for dissemination in high level forums.
Project Period:
Applications currently not being accepted
Funding Limit:
NA- Funds will cover release from one class.
Final Report due 6 months after the end date of the project.
Additional Information:
You MUST have permission from your department chair to apply. Examples of acceptable academic projects include books and major grant applications to federal agencies. Scholarly Release will not be granted in the same year as a sabbatical. 


This program is designed to offset conference travel expenses for RSC funded projects. Travel funds will support conference dissemination of research findings, or demonstration of creative works, for projects funded by the Research Services Council (Seed and Collaborative Grants).
Project Period:
Applications currently not being accepted
Funding Limit:

1:1 College or departmental cost share. Ask your department chair and dean for support.

*Reduced cost share may be available depending on circumstances and justification.

Allowable Expenses:

 Travel expenses related to dissemination of research findings or creative activities resulting from an RSC funded project. Please note that faculty wages are unallowable expenses.

  Public Dissemination of Research or Creative Activity.



Description: This program provides support for graduate student research and creative activity, including theses, field studies, and scholarly studies. Awards are competitively selected and can reach a sum of up to $750 to be used for operating expenses, supplies, travel, and equipment. Partial support is expected from the department and/or student(s); maximum support from RSC/Graduate Studies is $500


Electronically submit your RSC representative-approved proposal through the NuRamp website on a rolling basis.



Funds are provided to assist graduate student presentations of research and creative projects at scholarly meetings. Partial funding equivalent to two-thirds the cost up to a maximum of $300, with the remainder expected of the student or department. Documentation must be provided that the project has been accepted for presentation and that the student is presenting. Support for multi-authored presentations may be limited to two graduate students per presentation or reduced according.


Electronically submit your RSC representative-approved proposal through the NuRamp website at least one month prior to the event.


Travel support is also available through SET (Student Event Ticket) fee funds administered by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Warner 1000).


NOTE:  All RSC Applications can be found on the NuRamp Website:
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